
Manage Diabetic Neuropathy

Enervin tablet is a prescribed drug which helps in managing the diabetic neuropathy condition. The herbal drug contains nerve rejuvenating herbs like Jatamansi & Ashwagandha, both have antioxidant properties that help in controlling the inflammation in the nerves. This combination helps in controlling the nerve pain by increasing the oxygenated blood in the peripherals and also controls tingling, burning sensation that usually affects your night sleep.

Therapeutic Indication

  • Controls the burning sensation in the feet and hands
  • Helps to manage the prickling sensation in the feet and hands
  • An excellent nerve rejuvenator that supports the peripheral nervous system.


  • The prickling pain in the legs & feet can be controlled by the ingredients such as Ashwangandha, shatavari which are present in Enervin tablets.
  • The burning sensation and insomnia can be managed with regular intake of the tablet at prescribed dosage with a proper diet advised by the physician.
  • Acts as an excellent nerve rejuvenator which keeps the diabetic neuropathy condition manageable and prevents in further worsening, if taken under a proper medical guidance from a physician
  • 100% herbal with no rasa preparation which makes the product completely safe for longer duration.


This is a prescribed drug and should be taken upon the advice of the physician.

Refer to the carton for dosage or 1 tablet morning and night after 30 mins to intake of the food


  • Jatamanji
  • Aswagandha
  • Guduchi
  • Ardraka
  • Satavari
  • Punarnava
  • Kutki
  • Ystimadhu
  • Amla
  • Excipients

6 strips X 10 tablets


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